Historical Software

PARTY.EXE, a dynamic simulation of a party with up to 15 guests. An early program (1989), compiled for x86-16 with Turbo Pascal 5.0. Runs under Microsoft Windows without any issues. Personally, I would not start any executable from an unknown source, but I assure that this particular program is harmless.
plasma.jar, computes and animates a fractal. Written in Java ME CLDC-1.1/MIDP-2.0(2007), compiled for Nokia Series 40 3rd Edition mobile phones (e.g. Nokia 2865, 3109, 3110, 3500, 5200, 5300, 6085, 6086, 61xx, 62xx, 6300, 7370, 7373, 7390, 8600, 8800). This small application (11k) can also be downloaded over-the-air using WAP: r.schlenk.info/ref/wap/plasma/

Current Projects

Some of my ongoing projects are on Github. In particular those that require sharing with others.


Enjoy a collection of beautiful sceneries I have shot some time ago. Many more recent ones are on my Instagram.

Scenery 1 of 14
Scenery 2 of 14
Scenery 3 of 14
Scenery 4 of 14
Scenery 5 of 14
Scenery 6 of 14
Scenery 7 of 14
Scenery 8 of 14
Scenery 9 of 14
Scenery 10 of 14
Scenery 11 of 14
Scenery 12 of 14
Scenery 13 of 14
Scenery 14 of 14


Playing around with my MIDI piano is fun - but listening to it could be a pain. Click on Weihnachten.mp3, a variation on the song »Ah, vous dirai-je Maman« (Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (KV 265), and decide yourself. :-)

Science Fiction

Science Fiction
Science-fiction is a broad genre with high- but also a lot of... well... low-quality literature. In this list (German only) you will find some reading tips, covering the "better parts" of the sci-fi bookshelf.


I love being outdoors as well as solving mysteries. Geocaching brings together both worlds and is also a natural fit when hiking with children. Since I have started geocaching, I have found quite a number of caches - you can browse through some statistics on this page. I have also hidden some own caches and dropped off travelbugs. Sounds rather esoteric, eh? If you want to know more, just visit the Geocaching portal.


I support the wireless community network initiative Freifunk, thus demonstrating a potential alternative to network commercialization, surveillance, and extensive data collection. Over time I have deployed various Freifunk nodes all over the city - in private homes, shops, and refugee accommodations.

Useless Machine

Useless Machine
I happen to work in the same company Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon, both known for the creation of the "Useless Machine", worked for. Reason enough for me to build such a machine as well. See a video of it here.

Metal Working

Metal Working
How would you test the quality of your weld seams? Attach a nozzle and pump in some water!
Test passed! The result needs to be viewed from different angles, so see a 3D scan of the object here.


Looking back to numerous hiking and trekking tours, those that involved long distances were among the most interesting ones. On Streckenwanderungen auf Altstraßen (in German) I have collected some information on tours (with my young son) involving historic ways. For some nice mountain tours in the Alps see http://schlenk.info/huettentouren (private, password protected).

Open Collaboration

I am an active contributor to the collaborative Internet projects Wikipedia and OpenStreetMaps.


"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." (Edward Snowden) — Or more to the point, in the words of Julia Zeh: "'Ich habe nichts zu verbergen' ist ein Synonym für 'Ich tue, was man von mir verlangt'." And that is the reason why I am not only a user of Tor but also operate a Tor node, supporting whistleblowers, dissidents, the Horsemen of the Infocalypse, and even the CIA! :-)


I love audiobooks (especially while commuting), and Librivox is a great project to make more content available. At least until natural computer-generated voices take over. Those who know my voice will recognize my contributions on librivox.org.

Die Pfifferlinge e.V.

Germany's next export success?!
Since 2012 I was member of the management board (Vereinsvorstand) of the forest preschool (Waldkindergarten) "Die Pfifferlinge e.V." in Erlangen.
